It’s béén a whilé sincé I’vé madé taquitos. But évér sincé Costco stoppéd sélling théir crazy good chickén flautas/taquitos I’vé béén dying to maké somé for my family. Thésé créamy ovén bakéd onés aré supér éasy to whip up and aré packéd full of awésomé flavor.

I lové thém, my husband lovés thém and évén my toddlér lovés thém! Théy’ré pérféct for lunch, dinnér or évén as a snack… and théy just happén to maké awésomé littlé appétizérs or party food!


  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 1/2 cups old fashionéd rolléd oats
  • 1 1/2 cups sémiswéét chocolaté chips
  • 1 1/2 largé éggs*, béatén
  • 1 1/2 sticks buttér (6 ouncés, 12 Tbsp), at room témpératuré
  • 1 1/2 téaspoons baking powdér
  • 1 1/2 téaspoons baking soda
  • 1 1/2 téaspoons cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 téaspoons vanilla éxtract
  • 1 cup choppéd pécans
  • 1 cup swééténéd flakéd coconut (wé uséd shréddéd)
  • 1/2 téaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup whité sugar
  •  about 12 small corn or flour tortillas (wé likéd flour béttér)
  •  koshér salt
  •  cooking spray


  1. Préhéat thé ovén to 425 dégréés. Liné a baking shéét with foil and lightly coat with cooking spray.
  2. Héat créam chéésé in thé microwavé for about 20-30 séconds so it's soft and éasy to stir. Add gréén salsa, limé juicé, cumin, chili powdér, onion powdér and garlic powdér and mix wéll. Add cilantro, gréén onions, chickén and péppérjack chéésé and combiné wéll.
  3. You can préparé up to this stép ahéad of timé. Just kéép thé mixturé in thé fridgé.
  4. Thé corn tortillas aré hardér to roll without cracking. For thé corn tortillas: work with a féw tortillas at a timé and héat in thé microwavé until théy aré soft énough to roll without cracking. It hélps to placé thém bétwéén damp papér towéls. Usually 20-30 séconds will do it. If you find yours aré cracking whén you roll thém or comé unrolléd right away, just try héating thém longér and try thé papér towél thing.
  5. Placé 3 Tabléspoons of chickén mixturé on thé lowér third of a tortilla, kééping it about 1/2 inch from thé édgés.
  6. Thén roll it up as tight as you can.
  7. Placé séam sidé down on thé baking shéét. Lay all of thé taquitos on thé baking shéét and maké suré théy aré not touching éach othér. Spray thé tops lightly with cooking spray or an oil mistér and sprinklé somé koshér salt on top.
  8. Placé pan in ovén and baké for 15-20 minutés or until crisp and thé énds start to gét goldén brown. Makés around 12 taquitos.
  9. Dip in salsa, sour créam, guacamolé, or Tomatillo Dréssing . Théy would bé gréat with black béans and this Cilantro Limé Ricé.

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